Dear (Southern) California,
Ahh...where do I start babe? Many a year have you held me in the embraces of your streets, freeways and valleys. I met you when I was fairly young, just a young big-headed infant with absolutely no idea how you would affect my life over these past 21 years. Imo State, Nigeria was calling for me but you said "no way" and to this day I have been your bitch. Never have I strayed too far. Never have I been disloyal to you. Of course, you do come off a little iffy and jealous whenever I profess my love for Imo State but you know that my spirit belongs to you.
It was years before I finally discovered all that you had to offer to me. Silly me, my young, undeveloped mind knew not that the world was much bigger than South Central Los Angeles. It would be years before I explored beyond the confines of your 110 freeway and Crenshaw Boulevard. And it would be years before I left you for a few days and truly appreciated all that you are to me. Anytime I am leaving your arms on an airplane I always look back at you through the window in pure anticipation of when I will return. And anytime I depart up the 5 freeway to kick it with your brother Northern Cali or up the 15 to see that ho ass cousin of yours Las Vegas, that inevitable feeling of homesickness always creeps up more sooner than later.
I realize now that you're so much different from other states. Everyone wants you but not everyone knows how to handle you babe. You're demeanor is uncanny and your disposition is unmatched. People from far off who know that I associate with you look upon me with such jealousy and resentment because they know that I am a much better person because I am yours. Your Uncle Sam is always treating you like shit but you persevere beyond the madness and hostility babe, you are truly golden. Fuck Uncle Sam, you alone are one of the top 10 economies in the world. Can you believe that? You are a true Miss Independent.
I know that we've had our good times and our bad times but we've made it through the rough patches and have come out relatively unscathed. Hey, remember that time when you had that big ass earthquake? See, no one else would admit it but I knew that you were just trying to teach us a lesson because we had disrespected you and rioted in your Los Angeles. I'll never forget seeing those National Guard tanks rolling down your freshly paved asphalt on Van Ness Boulevard and leaving behind wear and tear that you didn't deserve. I'm sure that it made you angry and I understand babe, I really do.
How can I ever leave you babe? How can I ever call someone else home? My name is etched forever on your corner of 64th and Gramercy for the world to see (readers: go check that shit out!) and your name is etched forever in my heart. So even when we are apart, we are still...together...